Best & Trusted
Cleaning Service
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5 Years Experience

In 5 years working at GTA, we got the loyalty of partners and customers. Working with attention to details and always focusing on meeting the customers desires as much as possible.

These 5 years have helped us to reach the maximum degree of efficiency in cleaning and, therefore, to establish partnerships with other companies that had problems in reaching this level of competence.


Provide Services
Toronto and Surroundings

Regular Cleaning

Regular Cleaning

A regular cleaning is ideal for homes that just need to keep the house clean.

Preferably it should be done for a fixed period. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or as you wish.

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Deep Cleaning

Deep   Cleaning

A deep clean is advisable for homes that do not do regular cleaning.

It needs to be very detailed and well executed. Our team specializes in deep cleaning.

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Short-Term cleanings are those cleanings for those who have units for short-term rent.

The quality of our service is attested by the partners we have had since our foundation.

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Move In Move Out

Move In/Out

Move in/out is cleaning that needs to be done to prepare your home for you.

Our company will leave your home spotless for the new resident.

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Post Construction

Removal of all dust.
Complete window cleaning.

Removing paper from the floor and small objects.
Inside and outside the closets.

Cleaning bathroom and house walls.

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